Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Meet the SuperSharer: Bill D!

We have another SuperSharer to introduce you to today as the wildly successful Share Pittsburgh Music Month (#SharePGHMusicMonth) winds down!

As I wrote yesterday, our SuperSharers deserve so much credit for the success of the campaign.  These great music fans not only are sharing Pittsburgh artists' music videos every single day, but they also provided us in advance a list of the videos they'd be sharing.  That enabled us to track views on the videos and quantify success.  Awesome people!

Today, meet SuperSharer Bill D!

Bill has been supporting the music scene since 1996, when he created his first band website.  In 2004, he created www.akmusicscene.com and www.parockshow.com.  www.podcastyourscene.com was added in 2017.

Why does Bill love the Pittsburgh music scene?

"The Pittsburgh music scene is full of a ton of talented musicians who are willing to use their talent to help the less fortunate," Bill explains.  "I love that about our scene!"

Bill's been sharing an eclectic array of videos, but here are his three favorites.

Thanks Bill!